Clay-Mar Veterinary Clinic

2507 W Hibbard Rd
Owosso, MI 48867




Clay-Mar Vet Clinic allows clients in the building
When you arrive at the clinic with your pet, please call or text to check-in:
989-725-8778 or 989-721-7242


Depending on level of community spread:
Low level Shiawassee County: No Mask Required
Medium to High level: Clients are required to wear masks while indoors. 


We continue to offer doctor appointments:
In-clinic: You and your pet come in for doctor’s exam
            Curbside: Your pet comes in for doctor’s exam, you stay outside
Outside: Doctor comes outside for exam with you and your pet
Phone consults: Doctor communicates with you via phone conversation and pictures you send. (only for select cases)  


As always, if you are feeling ill or have any symptoms of COVID-19 please reschedule your appointment and do not enter the building.