Call us to schedule your appointment today!
2507 W Hibbard Rd Owosso, MI 48867 |
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Clay-Mar Vet Clinic allows clients in the building
When you arrive at the clinic with your pet, please call or text to check-in:
989-725-8778 or 989-721-7242
For more information on our protocols, please see our COVID page.
As always, if you are feeling ill or have any symptoms of COVID-19 please reschedule your appointment and do not enter the building.
Employment Opportunities We are always glad to accept resumes from enthusiastic, hard working, dependable, team oriented people who wish to join our team of veterinary health care professionals. Positions for which we may have openings include:
RECEPTIONISTS VETERINARY TECHNICIANS AND VETERINARY ASSISTANTS Sorry, we have no openings at this time. Please mail or drop off your resume to: |